If you wish to check out the game for yourself, hit up the Xbox Store. Huge thanks go out to Evil Tortilla for giving us access to Who’s Your Daddy?! via Xbox Game Preview.

However, whether Who’s Your Daddy?! can evolve beyond the video game equivalent of a traveling freak show remains to be seen. There are plans afoot to bring more content ahead of the full release, such as bots, new game modes and even a map builder (which sounds like fun). Despite different modes, the gameplay is so abstract it’s difficult for it not to all blend into one wacky experience. My larger concern (and I may be wrong) is that there currently isn’t much variety to keep players interested. Still, this can be forgiven as the game is in development. On another occasion I managed to flood the whole house, and somehow the outside space too before the water eventually drained away. However, it’s currently rough around the edges with plenty of scenery glitching and I even managed to get stuck in a room where the door wouldn’t open to let me out. It’s odd, with a gimmick that gives it a certain curious appeal.

My first impressions of Who’s Your Daddy?! keep circling back to one overriding factor.