Seven of the students were awarded their Bronze Award certificates, in which they completed a 2 day 1 night expedition, and two of the students achieved their Silver Award certificates, which involved a 3 day 2 night expedition.

A wide range of activities were completed including beach clean-ups and helping manage a community garden for volunteering, cooking and learning the piano for skills, and sports and activities such as rugby, dance and football for the physical section.

Fantastic recognition of the efforts they have put into their chosen Physical, Skills and Volunteering activities, and the Expeditions they completed last year. This week another nine students were presented with their DofE Certificates and badges. More Duke of Edinburgh Award Success for TA Students Whilst some letters may have been more obvious than others, the girls danced with smiles on their faces and are looking forward to the next lesson, where they will be trying out Bollywood dancing! The girls focused on how to utilise their bodies in order to create specific letters and shapes which led to them forming a small routine to perform to the class. This week, Year 8 had their first Dance lesson in core PE with Miss Lewis. Fingers crossed the weather will be our friend. We all look forward to the next training session out of Okehampton.

With 5 teams being entered, this year is going to be very busy. All the students are working hard to secure a place. The next couple of months training is going to be challenging but very rewarding. All were grateful to see the buses and spirits were still very high. Even losing a boot for 5 minutes and discovering that when laces come undone, they need to be tied back up!Ī lunch break on top of Great Mis Tor was short-lived as the weather started to show itself again. Some members of the teams enjoyed the Dartmoor more than others as they introduced themself to the boggy parts of the moor. Everyone was grateful to shake off the festive season and focus on the Ten Tors training challenge. Nothing deterred the enthusiasm of the teams. Keeping their feet dry from the sponge like moor. Morale was high even as the wind and rain were lashing down on them. Waterproofs on, they continued on our route. An hour later they arrived thankfully the rain had stopped, well for at least a few moments. The morning weather report! They could see it was going to be a wet one, but that didn’t stop the spirit of the Ten Tors Teams.Īn 8am start at the school car park, with a briefing for the day and hitting the road bound for Dartmoor.